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Optimist Open - Entry List

Boat Name (Club)
1209 Complete Oblivion (GAC)
Ian Irwin
1212 Mystery Machine (BSYC)
Austin Higgins
1381 The Nosebleed Section (BSYC)
William Dallison
1382 Attitude Adjustment (BSYC)
Byron Robertson
1419 Ten8cious (BSYC)
Nate Brown
1522 Rush (LBSC)
Carter Baker
1555 Jack Hammer (BSYC)
Jack Higgins
1610 Hurricane (BSYC)
Harry Higgins
1616 Rubyx Cube (BSYC)
Ruby Pike
1623 Outrun the Gun (ASC)
Myles Wilson
1625 Dynamic Health (GAC)
Izaak Hart
1626 Tazzie Devil (BSYC)
Taran Sanderson
1632 Squid (ASC)
Connor O'Brien
1689 Knockout (BSYC)
Alexi Wigglesworth
1704 Gustly (GAC)
Albert Howard
1708 Zig Zag (BSYC)
Ben Hinks
1720 Always Watchin' (BSYC)
Quinn Auricht
1732 Sharky (BSYC)
Jonas Barrett
1746 Calypso (BSYC)
Charlie Piro
1762 Totally Knots (BSYC)
Lachlan Roe
1792 Running Free (LBSC)
Finlay Bunt
653 Flash (LBSC)
Murphy Cowen
809 Passing Wind (LBSC)
Darcy Conry
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