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Tasar - Entry List

Boat Name (Club)
1685 Miss Ruby (RMYS)
Jason Wilson & Jack Wilson
1912 Cruz'n (GRSC)
Mark Hooper & Pip Hooper
2114 BLEW'n (GRSC)
Bruce Hilleard & Tina Byrnes
2192 Sweet Potayto (Hampton SC)
Ian Taylor & William Taylor
2300 Recycled (BSC)
Graham Griffin & Caroline Griffin
2349 Like Lightning (GRSC)
Chris Johnson & Matt Smyth
2495 ADF Sailing (ADF Sailing)
Sean Ahearn & TBA
2532 Lilac (South Brisbane SC)
John Stannard & Anna Thacker
2569 Dr Seuss (GRSC)
Darren Watkins & Sarah Ratcliffe
2578 Southern Stars (BSC)
Richard Shaw & Laurie Hoffman
2619 Galah (Manly 16's)
John Dransfield & Jesse Dransfield
2710 Chukkel (JBSC)
Katie Douglass & Laurence Wilson
2734 Something Cool (NSC)
Malcolm Handel & Beatriz Calvete
2769 The AntzPantz (Royal Geelong YC)
Tony Creak & Julie Creak
2776 Rastafarian Rockey (SYC)
Gareth Evans & Laura-Jane Evans
2780 Faking Clever (WSC)
Kerry Fyfe & Michael O'Brien
2813 Cheeky Element (CYC / RANSA)
Rick Longbottom & Darryl Bentley
2842 Mango Chili (BSC)
Josh Faddy & Paula Cummins
2848 Coolit (JBSC)
Rob Douglass & Nicole Douglass
2853 2sheepstations (Cairns YC)
Kelsey Ormsby & Alison Ormsby
2874 Shaw Thing (GRSC)
Cameron Shaw & Eva Shaw
2879 Boaty McBoatface (ADF Sailing)
Daniel Hughes & Toby Wilson
2883 WAC (SYC)
Heather Macfarlane & Chris Payne
2885 Boat (NSC)
Tony Stephens & Maz Sorenson
2894 this way up (ADF Sailing)
Matt Snoeks & Jack Barber
2895 Sidewinder (ADF Sailing)
Marcus Livingstone & Richard Porter
2896 Flying Fozzies Returns (ADF)
Madison Hall & Hayden SKiparis
2903 Vivace (BSC)
Brad Stephens & Jenny Overton
2906 Sea Major and Minor (WSC)
Ralph Stanford & Imogen Stanford
2911 Another Roady (BSC)
Pete Davies & Pia Lethonen-Davies
2925 Serendipity (NSC)
Hugh Tait & Anna Tait
2938 Critical Path (MBSC)
David Meehan & Rhyss Edwards
2939 Shenanigans (BSC)
Killian Sargent & Yvonne Murray
2942 Little Miss Magic (GRSC)
James Burman & Tara Burman
2944 Salmon 3 (WSC)
Richard Salmon & Philip Hsu
2952 Tasared Twice (BSC)
Gavin Brown & Clare Woods
2953 Boogie Time (BSC)
Ben Walker & Cath Walker
2956 The Weekend (SPSC)
Neil Long & Wendy Long
2962 Rastasarmouse (BSC)
Boyd Newton & Kylie Symonds
2964 Ratz (GRSC)
Gary Ratcliffe & Robyn Ratcliffe
2965 Indefensible (GRSC)
Bern Streater & TBA
2967 X (Hampton SC)
Jake Gunther & Milly Gunther
2968 Agamemnon (SPSC)
Chris Parkinson & Lachlan
2977 The Edge of Equaniminity (BSC)
John Balass & Heather Forton
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